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Leopard Gecko Albino Bell Leopard Gecko Tank Funny

The albino leopard gecko is a beautiful morph that needs care like any other leopard gecko morph.

This type of leopard gecko can be found in a natural habitat However since they aren't well camouflaged, they normally don't survive long in the wild.

Like most leopard gecko morphs, the albino is the result of intentional breeding.

Albino Leopard Gecko about to be fed
Albino leopard geckos are docile animals with great personalities.

This article will take a closer look at:

  • What an albino leopard gecko is
  • What albino leopard geckos cost
  • Where to buy albino leopard geckos
  • The leopard gecko morphs created from albinos

What is an Albino Leopard Gecko?

Albino leopard geckos are the result of a genetic mutation.

These animals produce less or no melanin. Melanin helps create dark colors, meaning these animals are much lighter, and brighter than their normal cousins.

Geckos have many layers of skin, and each has color cells. The results of albinism can vary from animal to animal.

Some geckos may be colorless in all three layers. Other animals may lack melanin in only one or two of the layers.

How Much Do Albino Leopard Geckos Cost?

Albino leopard gecko morphs can cost anything from $200 to $800 or more.

The Bell albino is the most expensive pure morph, fetching between $300 and $700 per animal.

The Tremper albino may cost as little as $250.

Rainwater albinos are somewhere between the two, averaging $400 to $450.

Chocolate albinos may cost as little as $30.

Albino Leopard Gecko Morphs

Breeders have used this leopard gecko morph to create many other crosses.

There are three main morphs, along with other mixes. The main morphs are:

  • Bell albino
  • Tremper albino
  • Rainwater albino

The following sections will take a closer look at some of the most remarkable albino leopard gecko morphs.

Tremper Albino Leopard Gecko

The Tremper albino was the first leopard gecko morph with albinism. This morph is one of the most common, and affordable, of albinos.

Tremper Albino Leopard Gecko in its owner's hands
The Tremper albino was the first albino leopard gecko, and became the base for most other albino morphs.

Tremper albino morphs have played a role in the development of most other albino leopard geckos.

You may see odd variations like the albino patternless Tremper orange.

Ron Tremper, after whom the morph is named, bred the first Tremper albinos from a male named Bubba in 1999.

Bubba has fathered many other morphs. They include the super giant, the carrot-head, and mutations of the raptor and raptor morphs.

Fun Fact: Ron Tremper also produced the gecko that became the start of the Halloween Mask Morphs. Albey Scholl bought a unique female from Tremper. He crossed her with a tangerine leopard gecko to create this one-of-a-kind morph.
The Halloween mask morphs have an arrangement of dots on their faces, making them look like they're wearing a mask.

Diablo Blanco Leopard Gecko

People often think that the Diablo Blanco is an albino, thanks to its light coloration.

Diablo Blanco Leopard Gecko resting on a rock
The diablo blanco has shocking white or lavender coloration.

While this gecko does have some albino in it, it isn't a true albino.

Ron Tremper created the Diablo Blanco by crossing four recessive genes:

  • Eclipse
  • Blizzard
  • Tremper Albino
  • Patternless Stripe

The result is a stark white gecko without a pattern.

Bell Albino Leopard Gecko

The Bell albino is the newest of the albino morphs. This morph was first discovered and bred by Mark Bell.

Bell Albino Leopard Gecko
Full Bell albinos always have pink eyes.
Image credit: u/Mourning_Gecko (via

The Bell albino has a variable appearance, depending on the morphs used to create it.

Since the genes responsible for albinism are recessive, any morph can play a part in creating an albino individual.

As long as the gecko in question carries the gene for Bell albinism, breeders can produce Bell morphs from it.

These animals are easy to distinguish from other albinos since they have pink eyes, rather than brown.

Crosses of these animals have varied results. Most leopard geckos have brown eyes, and the offspring of a Bell crossed with another morph also often have brown eyes.

Bell albino cross against a white background
Bell albino crosses don't retain the pink eyes of their parent.

Rainwater Albino Leopard Gecko

The rainwater albino emerged sometime between the Tremper and the Bell.

Rainwater Albino Leopard Gecko against a blue background
The rainwater albino has much lighter or brighter colors than other albinos.

Rainwater albinos are by far the most colorful albinos. They can be solid yellow, lavender, or orange; most have bands or blotches.

Depending on the morph combinations involved, individuals may look different from others of their kind.

Firewater Morph

The firewater morph is a result of crossing the rainwater morph with the tangerine morph.

These animals have the rich coloration of the high yellow morph, with a certain degree of carrot-tail.

The colors range from yellow to orange and lavender. They may have light orange stripes or bands of another color.

The only real constant about this morph is that the animals have bright colors.

Chocolate Albino Leopard Gecko

You may come across the chocolate albino morph at some point. These aren't a true morph, but they are beautiful.

The chocolate albino is the result of hatching normal albino eggs at lower-than-usual temperatures.

They have much more subdued coloration than the other albinos.

Do Albino Leopard Geckos Need Special Care?

No, albino geckos need the same care as other leopard gecko morphs.

Albino Leopard Gecko with its body out of focus
Leopard gecko care remains the same for any type of morph.

Leopard gecko genetics have created the key for creating many morphs. Yet, changing their appearance doesn't change their needs.

Whether you have a Tremper albino leopard gecko or a blizzard leopard gecko, you'll care for it as you would any average leopard gecko morph.

Let's take a look at the basics:


Your leopard gecko requires a diverse diet, consisting of various feeder insects. You should also use a calcium supplement to help keep it healthy.


Every leopard gecko needs a temperature gradient. They're cold-blooded and move around to adjust their body temperature. Aim to provide the following temperatures in their enclosure:

  • Hot spot – 90°F
  • Cool end – 75-80°F

While your leopard gecko doesn't need UV to survive, it does need a day and night cycle. Use full-spectrum lighting, or UV lighting, for 12 hours a day. Keep the enclosure dark for the other 12 hours. This allows the gecko to live out its natural nocturnal habits.


To feel secure, your leopard gecko needs hides. We suggest using three hides:

  • One on the cool side of the enclosure
  • One on the warm side of the enclosure
  • A humid hide in the middle of the enclosure

Humid hides are full of moist substrate. They give the lizard a humid place to go when it's shedding.


Leopard geckos need a relative humidity of between 30% and 40%. You can maintain humidity by using an absorbent substrate and misting it regularly.


Your leopard gecko can swallow substrate and get an impaction. It's important to use the correct substrate to prevent this. Reptile carpet is an excellent choice.

Enclosure Size

Adult leopard geckos require an enclosure of at least 36″ x 18″ x 18″. You can easily raise young geckos in a 10-gallon enclosure.

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What Do Albino Leopard Geckos Eat?

The albino morph eats a similar diet to other leopard gecko morphs.

Albino Leopard Gecko eating a cricket
The albino leopard gecko morph eats a similar diet to any other morph.

These animals are carnivores and feed on feeder insects in captivity. The following list covers some of the most popular choices:

  • Beetles
  • Crickets
  • Roaches
  • Sow Bugs
  • Silkworms
  • Mealworms
  • Hornworms
  • Phoenix Worms

Are Albino Leopard Geckos Rare?

Albino leopard geckos aren't rare.

Not all the leopard gecko morphs developed from the albino are common, though.

The Tremper albino was the first leopard gecko morph with a degree of albinism. As a result, it's the most common albino morph.

Breeders only developed the Bell albino much later. Some people classify it as one of the top ten rarest leopard gecko morphs.

Other rare albinos include albino giant leopard geckos – a stabilized cross of German Giants and albinos.

Are Albino Leopard Geckos Sensitive to Light?

No, they're not.

It's a common myth that albino and hypo-melanistic leopard geckos are sensitive to light.

While leopard geckos are nocturnal, and not fond of bright light, they're not sensitive to it.

As long as they have a hide where they can spend the daylight hours, these animals don't care how much light there is.

The misconception probably comes from albino axolotl care – these animals are sensitive to light.

Any leopard gecko morph will shy away from bright lights because they are nocturnal.

Do Albino Leopard Geckos Need UVB?

Like other leopard geckos and nocturnal lizards, albino geckos don't need UVB.

However, most nocturnal lizards benefit from the addition of UVA and UVB to their enclosure.

While they can survive without it, leopard geckos are healthier and more resilient when exposed to UV rays.

Your leopard gecko can survive without UVB, but UVB rays can help build its immune system.

What Do Albino Leopard Geckos Look Like?

Albino leopard geckos look much like normal leopard geckos, except for their coloration.

Albino Leopard Gecko facomg the camera against a white background
Different albino leopard gecko morphs have different appearances.

The albino leopard gecko morph has less color and is often a shade of peach or yellow. Depending on the morphs involved, an albino may also have peach or silver eyes.

Some albino leopard gecko morphs keep patterns, while others are patternless. Different albino leopard gecko morphs and crosses have unique appearances.

We hope you've enjoyed this article about albino leopard geckos. If you want to learn more about these fascinating animals, check out our other leopard gecko content.

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