Former chief still on the payroll

Former Montclair Police deputy gaffer Spencer Tracy Frazzano has collected $87,560 since leaving the town in August to get the new boss of police in Marco Island, Fla .
Her last time period pay of $7,296 was collected on Feb. 7, according to township officials.
In October, Sharyn Matthews, Montclair's human resources director said Frazzano was still on the town's payroll collecting a biweekly salary of $7,251, using her accumulated benefit time based on her former annual salary of $185,096.
The Feb. 7 rate of pay of $7,296 provided in response to Montclair Local's most past quest reflects an annual wage of $189,713. When asked to explain the discrepancy from $185,096 to $189,713, the CFO aforesaid that Matthews was unsuitable.
"According to our CFO, it was an error on Sharyn Matthews' part. The $7,296.69 biweekly defrayment is what she's been mercenary all along. I apologize for the confusion," said Katya Wowk, Communication theory Director.
Frazzano's position, one of two lieutenant chief positions in the department, remains unfilled.
After being denied by the township on Open Public Records Act (OPRA) requests for the date of Frazzano's separation or when she will come cancelled the paysheet, Montclair Local has continued to file OPRA requests with the township on Frazzano's pay status. The amount still owed to Frazzano, and when she will be soured the township payroll department, is being withheld by township officials.
Although personnel records are by and large exempt from world access, N OPRA law contains exceptions thereto exemption. Specifically, an individual's name, title, place, salary, payroll record book, length of service, date of breakup, the reason for the separation and the amount and type of any pension conventional are unexclusive record.
An formalized at the New Jersey department of pensions and benefits said they did not have Frazzano's massed benefit sentence recorded, stating that the town of Montclair, Eastern Samoa the employer, should supply the amount of sentence she had accrued.
In most cases, accumulated sick- or benefits-time payouts are determined through a termination or separation agreement. The concord documents fiscal payouts for accrued sick and vacation time not used by the employee and carried over from yr to year, which are typically requisite to be gainful by the township either in one lump sum or in installments upon the separation of the employee.
In 2010, Gov. Chris Christie communicative a practice of law capping the payouts at $15,000 for all hot employees. He later vetoed a bill that would have capped all employees, old and new, at $15,000, saying he precious the payouts to cease altogether.
Frazzano has been employed by the Montclair Police Department since Aug. 1, 1995.
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